Sunday, March 17, 2013

Why Quantum Weirdness?

My thoughts on a possible explanation as to why quantum particles are in multiple states at once is simply due to their foreignness to 3 dimensional laws.  Our laws in physics are based on a 3 dimensional perception of what is reality.  The quantum world is not governed on these laws and principles because they belong to a higher dimension of reality.  To envision this in a 3 dimensional reality, I think of a piece of thread woven through piece of cloth several times as a person would do to create a piece of needlework.  The cloth is our 3 spatial dimensional world.  We only observe the string as it contacts our piece of cloth, so that to us it appears that the string is in many different locations at once.  This is probably not the best way to explain this idea but it was the best I could come up with this late at night. 

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