Sunday, March 10, 2013

Using Teleportation to Eradicate Disease, Aging, and Death

What it means to be human can be revolutionized using teleportation.  Basically we are just big bags of information when you get down to it, from our cells to out DNA to our genes, our memories, our thoughts, our feeling, etc.  Teleporting involves copying all the information that makes up something or someone, destroying it in one place and recreating it in another.  

It could be possible that while a person's information is in a "suspended" state, the information causing the illness, aging, or death could be "fixed" or modified so that when a person is recreated, the problems he or she had have been fixed, good as new...or probably much better.

Now to be on the safe side, before starting the teleporting process, a back-up copy can be made, much like you would back-up your I-Pod or computer files, so that if there is an error during the process, you still have the back-up file to start over when the errors have been adjusted.  

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