When most of us think of space and time we are speaking as if the two were unrelated topics. What is time? Is time real? Time is a dimension, one of the four we can perceive in our everyday existence.
One may argue that you can look out into space, but you can't see out into time or back, for that matter. We recognize time's existence by measuring changes we perceive in out space.
However it is not so that you can not look out into time. Actually, every time you open your eyes, you are looking out into space and back in time. Say what? It is completely true. Everything we see is back in time. Nothing we perceive is happening at our particular location in time. Case in point, the stars, of course. You look at the stars and you are looking back in time. No matter where you look, it takes "time" for you to see that object, due to the limits of light speed.
What would be truly interesting is if we could see through time into the future. I am convinced that this is a possibility as well. Why should we be able to move through space in different speeds and directions, but not through time. Of course, we cannot know whether what we perceive as the passage of time is the same as other persons, animals, or plants, for instant. But, anyway, why should we be so limited to be allowed to move only forward, and to see only back? This simple question needs to addressed and we must learn to manipulate our time travel as we manipulate our space travel. I am convinced that as our species has succeeded in comprehending the workings of the universe, that we are capable of time travel. I also think that it is a requirement that we achieve this feat to ensure the continued success of our existence.
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