Recently, Kirobo, a Japanese robot was launched into space in order to accompany the humans on their missions aboard the International Space Station. Kirobo is the latest in advanced "thinking" robots. He gathers and analyzes questions or comments made to him and replies with an appropriate response. One example, in an interview, he was asked what he would ask Santa for Christmas. He responded that he was hoping for a toy rocket. Not only is this adorable in my opinion, but also very important.
How can systems using language skills such as Kirobo's serve our human society? One very simple and practical application would be developing robots or even programs which act as tutors for individualized learning. What an immense tool for education this could be! Imagine a program or robot companion for every child or even adult student which could accompany the student on his or her learning journey. The robot could even serve as a study buddy. If a question were to come up while a student is doing his or her homework, the tutor is right there to assist. This sort of relationship can only be achieved with advanced language skills where the robot or program can recognize the question and form a rational and correct response. The programs could be specialized to cover certain course material, but could additionally be connected to some sort of database or even the internet. The program would need to perform a rapid search and differentiate between "good" information and "incorrect or irrelevant" material.
Now this program would be extremely difficult to manage and create with current levels of technology, but I am certain that robot tutors and companions will soon be common place and that these tutors/programs/companions will contribute immensely to our world's education.
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