Friday, August 12, 2016

Big Questions I

Big Questions (Open Discussion):

Am I like a tenant in Hilbert's Hotel?

Which Infinite Hotel, if any do I live in?

If the Hotel is in fact infinite, is existence meaningless, when one looks at oneself from a statistical point of view, my existence compared to infinity (whatever kind) is essentially zero.  I only become somewhat significant if I exist in infinite world, perhaps like a wave extending through all universes (infinite numbers of them), but how will I ever know?  Is it possible for me to know?  Or is more like I am fundamentally connected to the infinite set, as are all of its members, and all members of the set are important, since if one was missing there would be a hole, and the whole hotel would come crumbling down, or again perhaps my existence is only as important as the local effect I have on the nearby members (nearby tenants in the hotel).


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