Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Thoughts on Love and Life

I don't know how most people experience love and life.  Mine seems to have been somewhat unconventional.  When I was younger, I lived for love and love met everything.  Now there is no love left, but here I continue to live on.  When I was young, I did not think I would live to be an adult, and I didn't really.  I no longer resemble anything of my former self.  I died awhile back.  Now I avoid humanity like the plague (and they pretty much are).  I know, I know, so pessimistic, Debbie Downer.  For you young people that is a reference to Satuday Night Live (Old School).

Anyway, as I was saying love ruled my life and now has no place in it.  What does it mean to really be alive?  I don't think I qualify, and it is hard to care one way or the other.

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